Custom Rom : RiceDroid Redmi Note 11 (Spes/Spesn)
Rice Code: 3.5
Rice Version: Fries - who doesnt know french fries?
[] = Credits and thanks to
UR = User's Requests
MR = Maintainer's Request
===== Start of Changelog =====
==== riceDroid Additions =====
* [UR]Added Product Sans VH - [Twelvetican]
* Applied color accent to clear all notification button icon
* Fixed Quicksettings force close when editing tiles
* fonts - fixed custom-inter font [nullxception|Derpfest team]
- updated Nothing font overlay
* Lockscreen now dynammically shows clock in google-san font if it
detects a font that will cause overlapping to hour and minute views [ghostrider-reborn]
* More accurate device name at least for devices like OnePlus
* Revised and redesigned p404 panel for rice needs [p404|p404 team]
- spaces for different button now hides when view isnt visible
- placed sound mode icons above volume slider
- redesigned media output button view and optimized spaces
* Lab: replaced skia vulkan with skiagl for compatiblity accross devices like MTK
* Revamped lockscreen buttons
* Show both sizzle and android 12l on android version
* StatusBar Logo - added rice and peach logos
* Backgrounds: Added previous rice wallpapers
* Dialer - improved dialer and color palettes
- Redesign dialpad background [color597|Project Kaleidoscope Team]
* SushiLauncher - Minor redesign of recents app view, inspired by OneUI
==== RiceDroid runtime specific additions ====
* Attempt to improve overall usage by modifying sched profiles, policy, priority and cpusets
* Attempt to improve UI performance and rendering by optimizing surfaceflinger and display composer/allocator
* Configured default lmkd and other memory management parameters
* Optimized some stuffs that causes lags on QuickSettings
* Performance improvements from baikalOS [sv22|baikalOS]
* Ported memory optimizations from CAF/CLO
* Upstream for lz4, libfuse, drm hwcomposer, bionic and other android runtime properties.
==== Cherry-picked features Additions ====
* App lock fixes - [jhonboy121|FlamingoOS]
* base: ChooserActivity: Don't show image edit button on multiple targets [theimpulson]
* base: Prevent NPE for Demo mode [markakash|p404 team]
* [UR]build: Set DISABLE_ARTIFACT_PATH_REQUIREMENTS to true - [spezi77|Pixel Dust Project]
* CastTile - Open cast settings on long click [idoybh|YAAP]
* DeviceIdleJobsController: don't ignore whitelisted system apps - [muhomorr|grapheneOS]
* SushiLauncher:
- [REAPPLY]: SushiLauncher3: Implement hidden & protected apps - [bvlj|lineageOS]
- [REAPPLY]: Launcher3: Improve hidden & protected apps - [neobuddy89|crdroid android]
* [UR]Legacy WFD output video [DennySPB|SyberiaOS]
* Upstream changes from crDroidandroid -[neobuddy89|crdroid Team]
* Upstream changes from lineageOS -[lineageOS Team]
Android Version - 12L
Screenshot - Look
Another Version
- Clean Flash Recommended
- July Security Patch
Credit and Thanks
- @dblenk9 and @jabiyeff21 for resources.
By @XrImtiaz