Custom Rom : RiceDroid Redmi Note 11 (Spes/Spesn)

 - Sudah lama tidak nge-share Custom Rom HP Android. Kali ini custom rom untuk Redmi Note 11 alias untuk Spes maupun Spesn. RiceDroid ini terhitung sebagai Custom Rom baru. Dan saat ini sudah mencapai versi 3.5 di Android 12. Berikut adalah Changelognya:

Rice Code: 3.5
Rice Version: Fries - who doesnt know french fries?

[] = Credits and thanks to
UR = User's Requests
MR = Maintainer's Request 

===== Start of Changelog =====

==== riceDroid Additions =====

* [UR]Added Product Sans VH - [Twelvetican]
* Applied color accent to clear all notification button icon
* Fixed Quicksettings force close when editing tiles
* fonts - fixed custom-inter font [nullxception|Derpfest team]
  - updated Nothing font overlay
* Lockscreen now dynammically shows clock in google-san font if it 
  detects a font that will cause overlapping to hour and minute views [ghostrider-reborn]
* More accurate device name at least for devices like OnePlus
* Revised and redesigned p404 panel for rice needs [p404|p404 team]
  - spaces for different button now hides when view isnt visible
  - placed sound mode icons above volume slider
  - redesigned media output button view and optimized spaces
* Lab: replaced skia vulkan with skiagl for compatiblity accross devices like MTK
* Revamped lockscreen buttons
* Show both sizzle and android 12l on android version
* StatusBar Logo - added rice and peach logos

* Backgrounds: Added previous rice wallpapers
* Dialer - improved dialer and color palettes
   - Redesign dialpad background [color597|Project Kaleidoscope Team]
* SushiLauncher - Minor redesign of recents app view, inspired by OneUI

==== RiceDroid runtime specific additions ====

* Attempt to improve overall usage by modifying sched profiles, policy, priority and cpusets
* Attempt to improve UI performance and rendering by optimizing surfaceflinger and display composer/allocator
* Configured default lmkd and other memory management parameters
* Optimized some stuffs that causes lags on QuickSettings
* Performance improvements from baikalOS [sv22|baikalOS] 
* Ported memory optimizations from CAF/CLO
* Upstream for lz4, libfuse, drm hwcomposer, bionic and other android runtime properties.

==== Cherry-picked features Additions ====

* App lock fixes - [jhonboy121|FlamingoOS]
* base: ChooserActivity: Don't show image edit button on multiple targets [theimpulson]
* base: Prevent NPE for Demo mode [markakash|p404 team]
* [UR]build: Set DISABLE_ARTIFACT_PATH_REQUIREMENTS to true - [spezi77|Pixel Dust Project]
* CastTile - Open cast settings on long click [idoybh|YAAP]
* DeviceIdleJobsController: don't ignore whitelisted system apps - [muhomorr|grapheneOS]
* SushiLauncher: 
  - [REAPPLY]: SushiLauncher3: Implement hidden & protected apps - [bvlj|lineageOS]
  - [REAPPLY]: Launcher3: Improve hidden & protected apps - [neobuddy89|crdroid android]
* [UR]Legacy WFD output video [DennySPB|SyberiaOS]
* Upstream changes from crDroidandroid -[neobuddy89|crdroid Team]
* Upstream changes from lineageOS -[lineageOS Team]

Android Version - 12L
Screenshot - Look
Download - Vanilla | Gapps

Another Version
Android 13 - Vanilla | Gapps


- Clean Flash Recommended
- July Security Patch

Credit and Thanks

- @dblenk9 and @jabiyeff21 for resources.

By @XrImtiaz
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